Thursday, May 12, 2011

Another WIP Begun

Besides keeping up with my Etsy shops and working on items for The Little Black Box, I managed to make a cute little seal and ball for DS3's 10th birthday. The pattern for the seal came from Easy Crochet Critters by Leisure Arts. (DS3 wants an entire zoo of amigurumi animals!)

I've also started a blanket for DS4. He's my summer baby so I hope to be done by July, when he turns 5. (!) It's Cotton-Ease yarn in stripes of Lime, Violet, Stone, Seaspray, Almond, Cherry, and Maize.

While working up the color combination for the blanket, I was intrigued by this trio (Seaspray, Almond, Cherry):

I quickly put the blanket aside to stitch up a long, skinny scarf in this cute combination. As soon as it's photographed, I'll be listing it at The Lavender Lizard.

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